Wednesday, April 25, 2012

26/04/12 - Update from Kimberley Toadbusters

This taken from the Kimberley Toadbusters Newsletter. It's more than just about picking up toads...

Kununurra businesses and homes are literally ‘under siege’ from up to 60 young Indigenous children roaming the streets night after night. Breaking and entry and incalculable costs of damage to infrastructure and local business has increased to levels that have long term residents deciding to retire elsewhere and is affecting the social and economic progress of the town. Sadly these children have no supportive ‘home’ to go back to and the ‘street’ is often safer than the family environment they belong to.
Toad busting has become the social ‘glue’ for many of these children and Kimberley Toad Busters, in partnership with Save the Children, the Justice System, and volunteer community members have been using this unusual activity to keep many of these children otherwise engaged.
As a result of the incredible response to toad busting from many of these troubled Indigenous youth KTB decided to take their toad busting program a step further. “Kimberley Toad Busters have now developed the Kids @ Risk Positive Outcomes Program to address social issues within the community associated with juvenile delinquency” stated Danielle Taylor, KTB Board member and local KDHS teacher. She went on to add “The program aims to reduce anti-social behaviour, increase self-esteem, create positive leadership abilities, create self-awareness, and increase school attendance amongst the youth of Kununurra”.

Cheers, Sharon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Over 2000 less Indian Mynas in the Clarence Valley

Early in March 2012 the CVCIA Indian Myna control programs tally passed 2000. This is since we have been running it and started recording data in January 2011. A hearty congratulation to all the volunteers involved!

Tucabia tackle their Indian Myna problem head on

The Easter Sunday market at Tucabia (east of Grafton) was a resounding success for the CVCIA Indian Myna trapping program. Even though the market attendance was low we, with a great deal of help from Karen the new Tucabia area contact, placed four traps which will be  delivered  to new trappers and we left her a spare trap. The townspeople we spoke to were supportive and interested and with the enthusiasm of Karen and her husband hopefully the Indian Mynas can be controlled here.
As well we talked to a group of the Queenslanders who visited the market as part of their bus outing from the Sunshine Coast where Indian Mynas are a serious threat to their beloved native birds. They need help and we urged them to attempt to get their council or local Landcare group interested. It’s really disappointing to have to say to such concerned people that it is difficult for us to assist apart from trap plans, advice and sympathy.
We have another trap to deliver to a couple we met here from Coutts Crossing, which will be done later this week on our next visit to Grafton. Incidentally our newest CO2 euthanasing location is at Coutts.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

30/03/12 - Brooms Head Family Toad Night

Well, Brooms Head family toad night ended up being 5 CIA toadbusters and 2 Brooms Head Landcare members, so well done to Robyn and Paul Sharp for coming out to help us. It was wonderufl to pick up some local knowledge (like where to stand to get phone service) and a nice joint activity for two Landcare groups from the area.
Paul & Robyn Sharp from Brooms Head Landcare with CVCIA Landcare member Sharon Davidge
We picked up 68 toads for the night but most concerning was the large females we collected right near the Brooms Head shop.

Sharon Robbins with large female cane toad collected in Brooms Head village.
I lost my voice at the end of the night which made everyone very happy and Bevan, Rob and Sharon R saw a lovely carpet python at Lake Arragan to top the night off. Thanks to the 4 CIA vols that came all that way and thanks to Paul and Robyn for coming out with us. Sharon.
Carpet Python at Lake Arragan. Photo: Bevan Pugh